var installButton = new InstallButton({"versionId":"82122-74fd6f31","addonId":"4891","contributionLevel":0,"messages":[{"installTriggerName":"installTrigger68026-74fd6f31","installMessage":"Zainstaluj ","downloadMessage":"Pobierz "}],"addonName":"Vimperator","showInstructions":false,"fixPlatformButtons":true,"showFirefoxInvitation":true,"showCompatibilityHints":true,"loggedIn":false,"fromVersion":"3.5","toVersion":"3.6.*","isBucketTestPage":false,"contributionsSrc":""});
<p class="dropdown">Mozilla jest zaangażowana we wspieranie dynamicznego środowiska autorów i w ten przejrzysty sposób próbuje wesprzeć ich ogromny trud. Twoja dotacja pomoże kontynuować dalszy rozwój tego dodatku.</p>
<p class="intro">I have started to study computer science in 2001, at which time i was still a die-hard windows user and developer. But being at a (technical) university really opens your mind and I quickly began using Linux and loving the idea of open source. Since then i have contributed to lots of open source projects until I finally created my own project - Vimperator. Now I see myself, how motivating it is to have a nice community and other people contributing code or money. Open source just rules. :)</p>
<table class="person-info" summary="Informacje o autorze">
<table class="person-info" summary="Informacje o autorze">
<th>Imi─Ö i nazwisko</th>
<td class="fn n">kmaglione</td>
<td class="adr">US</td>
<th>U┼╝ytkownik AMO od</th>
<td> 7 maj 2008</td>
<th>Liczba stworzonych dodatk├│w</th>
<a href="/pl/firefox/user/1300653">
1 dodatek </a>
<th>Średnia ocena dodatków autora</th>
<img src="/img//ratings/5stars.png" width="68" height="12" alt="" title="Oceniony jako 5/5"/>
<div class="secondary" role="complementary">
<div class="article secondary-item-list">
<h4>Inne dodatki tych autor├│w</h4>
<li class="addons">
<a href="/pl/firefox/addon/7162">
Muttator </a>
<div class="primary prose">
<h3>Dlaczego Vimperator został stworzony?</h3>
<p>It was in early 2007, when more and more of my tasks moved to be inside the web browser and became more and more mouse driven. It was about the same time when I stumbled over Conkeror and saw how good Firefox's extension mechanism really is. Then things went quickly and i had the idea to combine my beloved editor Vim and my beloved browser Firefox - Vimperator was born. At first, just basic movement keys like "h" or "j" worked, but as I had lots of time as a student, it was improved very quickly. A command line, a statusbar, more and more ex-commands and options were added and fine-tuned to mimic Vim very detailed. Since then every new released added lots of features, bug fixes and documentation updates, which we hope to continue.</p>
<h3>Co b─Ödzie nowego w Vimperator</h3>
<p>Since Vimperator is already very feature-rich, the future will probably be to make it even more robust. Fixing bugs and keeping track with new Firefox features (like adding a :set [no]private option to toggle Firefox's PrivateBrowsing feature) are probably the most important things for the near future, but we always investigate ways to make browsing even more enjoyable, so we'll also add new features or adjust current features if it makes browsing faster and easier.</p>
<p>Wyłączając miejsca, gdzie podano <a href="">inną</a>, zawartość tej witryny jest licencjonowana na zasadach licencji<br /><strong><a href="">Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike w.3.0</a></strong> lub dowolnej nowszej<span title="">.</span>
<p class="disclaimer">Mozilla umieszcza odnośniki do tych programów grzecznościowo. Prosimy nie kierować do nas uwag i zażaleń dotyczących ich działania. Wszelkie pytania, reklamacje i roszczenia dotyczące tych aplikacji należy kierować do ich twórców.</p>